Aug 24, 2010 09:26
Here is an excerpt from a speech Lilah Lindsey made around 1906 warning her fellow members of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union to be on the look out for something quite evil in their communities. See if you can fill in the blanks and figure out what she was warning her white-ribbon sisters to avoid.
There is a danger that is lurking in our beautiful state, that possibly some of you have given little or no thought, but dear sisters it is here and being taught in our midst. Apostles have been in our state for months, distributing thousands of pages of literature, and holding meetings I fear in disguise and under fictitious names. When they come to your door with their leaflets, they do not tell you that they are __________ but _____________ and other misleading names. They even tell you, if you insist that they are of ______________, that they do not practice __________ now, but once a victim is led away by these devices they soon find out their mistakes. Let us be wise as serpents in this matter and not allow ourselves (a white ribboner) to be seen attending their services, thus countanancing [sic] their doctrin [sic]. They try to make their meetings attractive in many ways in order to catch the unwary. So I suggest that every white-ribboner be on her guard.