Nov 01, 2002 15:49
ok so i came to the conclusion life gets worse and worse as the days go by.i got my bio test back,the one i crammed for 6 hours for,and i got an fuckin pissed,but i did better then a lot of people...i hate those people who say they studied for an hour and get 96's and 97s and such....its gay of them to do,and i hate those people who yell at you for studying..they bother me too.kat ruined plans again,for the 2nd friday in a row....yes,i make these good plans and she fucks them up AGAIN!im so proud of english test was easy,im happy about working at the marathon on sunday,im gonna love pushing all the spectators around.its gonna be fun.but i have to wear this gay tee shirt and this gay poncho if it rains.oh well its all good.ok its time for me to go complain about kat again,or just sit here talking to jared..later