Feb 26, 2006 16:55
Here's the story, totally true, with nothing exagerrated. (sp?)
I worked with Adam today, at a very old, very expensive house in Oak Park. We stripped tile all day, by basically playing drums with hammers on the basement floor, fun stuff, except the sweeping up. Alright, so towards the end of the day, Adam and I carried the last garbage can filled with esbestos (sp?) covered tiles out to the dumpster on in the street. I had carried my gym shoes (i was wearing work boots) out to toss them near Adam's car, so i wouldn't forget them and have to wear other shoes all week. We walked inside, and no one left the house we were in over the next 5-10 minutes. After throwing on my sweater Adam and I walked outside and he quickly made note of a minor miracle. The shoes that i had tossed from a great distance, which were formerly quite a distance apart and one their sides, were now neatly placed together, heel-to-heel.
**** I must also note that Oak Park residents are constantly walking their Labrador Retrievers at all hours, or jogging, alot of joggers around those parts.