Jul 23, 2006 16:43
I don't intend to write this to attack anyone. I am simply posting on feelings that have existed for a while, and in what I feel is defense of my character on a hurricane of upsetness that could occur.
Today, I was invited to do something. I would have loved to go. However, my girlfriend was over at my place and I was spending time with her. I asked in so many words if there was room in the vehicle for one more for her. A statement was said back saying it's okay if I'd rather spend time with Jaden than going out. I repeatedly asked why couldn't she come along? I learned that this person felt I'm not the same person when I am around Jaden, and that there were feelings of dislike for Jaden.
Here are my thoughts.
When Jaden was around the DRC, I still loved debating or talking about any subject with Kenny. When Jaden was around last night, I still grabbed Kirstyn's boobs as a joke. When Jaden is around, I still play games on my computer or talk about cartoons and video games with David. I even tell David don't feel bad about interrupting if Jaden is over, I love spending time with him.
But all these, are individual circumstances. Perhaps my strongest feelings about this are from going to Minnesota with my two best friends from high school with her. Shane once told Jordan that it was kind of spooky how similar Jaden and I are. Both of my friends, had a lot of fun... we caught up, had a good time, and both told me they really liked her. And these are the friends I have had who have known me the longest out of anyone I know. No realization of me acting different came from either of them.
If I am different, I don't see it nor do my oldest friends.
Even if we discount me being different as a reason, The statement of feelings against Jaden were made. Jaden was just not someone you really liked. Okay. There are properties of tons of people I don't like a lot. But I can still enjoy their company for their positives traits, or at least be okay with spending some amount of time with them.
Most importantly, I have issues with 'fair weather friends.' I don't want a friend who will be there for me sometimes and not others. Jaden would have been willing to go. A place she had never been before, with new people (which freaks her out a lot sometimes) because she understands that my friends are important. My friend... had me make a choice. And that's why I chose to stay with the person who wasn't making me make a choice.
Sometimes... boyfriends and girlfriends are really into each other. And want to spend as much time with each other as possible. I know Kenny and Tanya understand that. I would always respect their feelings for wanting to be with each other. I don't consider either "less" of friends for always being around each other. Even if I disliked one of them, I would respect their feelings towards each other.
In short, I did not choose not to go out with someone today. I was forced into a corner and chose the person who did not ask me to choose.
I love Jaden. If you can't accept that and respect my feelings... I'm sorry. I'll miss spending time with you. I hope you found some happiness today and had a good time without me there.