Build Fu... again

Aug 13, 2007 23:43

All right, so I finished my build for Deep Shadow... take a look, tell me what you think. The point remains the same, he's the anything you can do I can do better skills guy, adapting to the situation as it changes... All I can say is I hope he never, EVER has to fight another super soldier teched out the same exact way because that would be the most obnoxious battle of escalating powers EVER. Anyway...

Abilities: 24pp
STR: 16/20 (+3/+5) DEX: 16/20 (+3/+5) CON: 16/20 (+3/+5) INT: 12/20 (+1/+5) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 12 (+0)

Skills: 0pp

Feats: 13pp
Equipment 8, Luck 5

Powers: 128pp
Mental Augmentation Computer
Device 6 (Power Drawback: Power Loss - When exposed to EMP [-1]) - 23pp
Enhanced Intelligence 8 - 8pp
Boost 4 [Boost Skills, one at a time (Extras: Action - Free [+2], Total Fade [+1]; Flaws: Limited - Only as Needed [-1], Personal [-1]; Power Feats: Slow Fade 2)] - 14pp
Quickness 16 (Flaws: One Type - Mental [-1]) - 8pp

Combat Computer and Stim Injectors
Device 15 (Power Drawback: Power Loss - When Exposed to EMP [-1]) - 59 pp
Boost 10 [Super Strength (Extras: Total Fade [+1]; Flaws: Side Effect - Suffers a Blast 5 when used [-2]) - 5pp
Enhanced Feats (Assessment, Master Plan, Leadership, Inspire 3) - 6pp
Enhanced Skill - Knowledge (Tactics) 15 - 4pp
Nemesis 10 [50pp pool (Extras: Action [+1]; Flaws: Duration - Sustained [-1], Limited - Enhanced Traits only [-1], Requires Check - Knowledge (Tactics) [-1])] - 60pp

Surgical Nano-bots
Device 6 (Power Drawback: Power Loss - When Exposed to EMP [-1]) - 23pp
Regeneration 30 [All conditions but death, No action, +4 recovery (Power Feats: Diehard)] - 30pp

Muscle Augmentation, Wired reflexes, and Vision Enhancements
Device 6 (Power Drawback: Power Loss - When Exposed to EMP [-1]) - 23pp
Enhanced Constitution 4 - 4pp
Enhanced Dexterity 4 - 4pp
Enhanced Strength 4 - 4pp
Enhanced Feat (Blind-Fight, Evasion) - 2pp
Immunity 9 (Life-Support) - 9pp
Leaping 2 (Normal Distance x5) - 2pp
Speed 3 (50mph, 500 feet per round) - 3pp
Super Senses 2 (Ultra-Vision, Infravision) - 2pp

Combat: 20pp
Attack +5 Defense +5 (+3 flat-footed)

Saving Throws: 4pp
Toughness: +10 (+5 without armor) Fortitude: +5 Reflex: +5 Will: +5

Minor Vulnerability (+1 damage from electrical descriptor) -2pp

Equipment (40 ep; 2 unspent equipment points)
Body Armor (Protection 5) 5ep
Arsenal (Blade Storm [Blast 3 (Extras: Area - Targeted Burst, Selective; Flaws: Range - Touch; Power Feats: Mighty 7) 19ep], Twin Silenced Pistols [Blast 5 (Extras: Autofire; Power Feats: Subtle) 16ep], Throwing Blades [Blast 3 (Power Feats: Mighty 7) 13ep], Combat Staff [Strike 1 (Power Feats: Mighty, Extended Reach) 3ep], Smoke Bombs [Obscure 4; 8ep] 23ep)
Comlink 1ep
Multi-tool 1ep
Passive Cloak [Concealment 8 (All-visual and auditory; Flaws: Passive)] 8ep

mutants and masterminds

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