
Oct 25, 2004 02:38

One Bad Trip... Let me explain the philosophy of this new show format, where the people who are supposed to get exposed turn it around and fake the other people... Ok, this one on now for example, Parents suspect the girl of bein a bad kid, basically. So they think they are goanna spy on the girl, the girl turns the new format around on them and pretty much "pretends" to go crazy. Now, on EVEYR epp i have seen once the party finds out, the explanation is always somethin like "oh well you were accusing me of doing THIS or THAT, so i DID THIS or THAT to prove i DONT do THIS and THAT"

I inserted this large space for thought. Does anyone else see the irony here? Seriously, if i expect my daughter acts like a slut, and she spends all week 'pretending' to be a slut, HOW...OH HOW, will that calm my nerves and suspicions? IF ANYTHING it amplifies them to the MAXXXXXX.
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