Have you read any articles about David Shimer's book Rigged?
Shimer analyzes Russia's century-long effort to undermine western democracies, and how they have improved over time. He ties this to the 2016 election.
Startlingly, he says Obama was warned in the summer of 2016 about two things:
(1) Voting registration records, voting records, past voting records, voting machines, and vote tabulation computers were all IMMENSELY vulnerable to Russian hacking.
(2) The Russian disinformation campaign via Facebook and Twitter was running at full tilt, worsening the divisions in American society.
Trump was already claiming the election was rigged. Obama felt Clinton was going to win, but then Trump would really begin screaming.
Obama was told that Russia was likely to hack into voter registration records in key precincts -- deleting names, adding names, changing signatures, changing addresses, etc. Russia would also change vote totals in Clinton's favor. Russia's intent was to incite a near-civil war in the United States.
To avoid this, Obama decided NOT to stop the Russian disinformation campaign. Obama's reasoning was that Russia wouldn't feel the need to fuck with voter registration and voting records if Putin believed his disinformation campaign was working. He also felt the public would not fall for the disinformation effort. (Boy, was he wrong.) Obama felt that, once Trump was defeated and could not claim a rigged election, Clinton could deal with the vulnerable voting system later.
Clinton didn't win. No one dealt with the vulnerable voting system. We're still where we were in 2016, with Trump and the GOP still claiming "rigged" elections.