Pope Francis -- who, by the way, has a master's degree in chemistry -- is
issuing a major encyclical denouncing climate change and attacking environmental despoilation as a major assault on the poor.
Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the retired archbishop of Washington, D.C., said that at the meeting of American bishops on Thursday, June 11, the bishops discussed their top priorities for the coming years and "nobody mentioned the environment."
"They don't understand it. They don't understand the complexities," Cardinal McCarrick said of the bishops.
Some bishops said they had even received hate mail from Catholics skeptical of climate change. That has added to the bishops' hesitation and confusion on the topic.
You know what this sounds like? The bishops harp on abortion, homosexuality, and the like. But they have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to shepherd their flocks when it comes to stewardship of the Earth, and care for the poor. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Whose fault is that???????
The bishops are leery of hate mail, huh? Are they shepherds, seeking out the lost even when a lion roars and prowls about the countryside? Or are they merely political ideologues, harping on abortion, homosexuality, and the like?
This shows the spiritual, moral, and ethical poverty of the American Roman Catholic Church.
It's sick.