Oct 31, 2006 23:53
So, its been forever. I dont have much time, I need to get to sleep as I have to wake up for work in 6 hours and I like sleep, but a short-ish update seemed to be in order. I am now living in Tacoma, being a substitute teacher by day and working at Sportsmans Warehouse by night. I pretty much leave at 6:25 in the morning and get home at 8:30 in the PM every day, which sucks a little, but I am making fabulous money working this much so it's worth it. Just met a wonderfull girl a week ago and am waiting to see how things pan out on that front, so far so good. My house is clean, my truck is running, and I feel awesome. So, all in all, life is very good. Hope this finds everyone else doing just as well.