Hey all. Well its been a long time since I have posted. Life has been good but incredibly busy. The current plan is that I am graduating from Central after fall quarter with my theatre arts degree, then returning as a post-bac student for winter and spring at which point I will have my teaching certificate. Then over next summer I will be taking off for Manteca, California for a teaching job at a new high school being built there. I dont know if I am going to make that a long term job, if i will just stay there till I can get a teaching job back here in Washington, or if I am even going to stick with teaching at all. Its a mystery.
Not much else going on in my life really. Just got done with Frankenstein which wasw an awesome show. Had the oppertunity to be cast in Foreigner in the fall and actually was cast, however both Michael (the director) and I decided before auditions that it would be more advantageous for my career if I could get into the fall musical "Working." Not that I am garanteed a part in it, but I think it's worth the gamble. I'm sure some people think that I "quit" Foreigner and left them in a lurch, but the truth of the situatuion is that it was a mutual decision reached after about an hour of discussion with the director and both of us are happy with my decision. Now I have all summer to prepare an audition that makes me impossible not to cast.
Also, I'v taken up a new "hobby." About the beginning of the quarter I began reading comic books again (I quit reading them when I was in fifth grade and they became more about thongs and boobs than about stories.) With all the drawing i had been doing because of my ACTF costume designes I decided I should give one of my childhood dreams annother try, so I started drawing and writing my own comic book. I came up with some characters and a premise and did some initial sketches and photoshop work. The book is called "Haven." This is one of my rough covers with a character named "Whisp:"
I really enjoy doing this book. Now I am busy researching writing methods and story structures. I hope to have a few issues done by the end of summer. I am going to post the occasional pic on here to ask opinions or just show off stuff I am proud of, so if you dont have the ten secconds to waste while my stuff loads occasionally, now might be a good time to take me off of your friends list.
I think one of the coolest things i have ever heard was when I told my mom i was writing this book even though i knew it was "kinda dorkey" and she immediatly said she thought that "I dont think it's dorky at all, I think it's cool."
By the way, anyone who wants to see a few of my other characters, go to
http://photobucket.com/albums/b346/HavenComic/ I am going to try to get most of the characters up soon and am going to continue to put my stuff up there.
Hope everyone is doing well, lifes great here.