haha! i will make you scroll past ALL OF THIS mua ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

Feb 02, 2004 00:12

1. Your Full name: Matt Milton
2. Your age: 22
3. Birthday: November 2, 1981
4. Zodiac sign: Scorpio
5. Eye color: Blue
6. Hair color: Dark Brown
7. Hair Length: Shortish
8. Height: 6'1"
9. What state do you live in: Washington
10. What town: Ellensburg
11. Were you born there, if not, where: Tacoma, Washington
12. If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been: Sarah
13. Would you name a child of yours after yourself: maybe, but im much more likely to name one after my dad or a good friend
14. If you would switch names with one of your friend who's would it be: cant think of any
15. What's one thing about you that makes you unique: i think im the only person in the entire world who truely loves theatre AND nascar
16. Nicknames: Milto, TiltoMilto, Uncle Milty, Miltonius
17. Siblings: none
18. Animals: :o( My parents just had to give away my cat D.W. (yes he was named after a nascar driver, i am that much of a dork)
19. Favorite animals: cats
20. Do you have glasses: nope
21: What piercings or tattoos do you have: not a one
22. What school do you go to: Central Washington University
23. Do you have braces: Nope
24. Do you have a tan: no
25. Do you have a b/f or g/f: god no
26. If so what's their name, if not what's your crush's name: none
27. Do you play an instrument, if so what: dabble a bit in piano, bass, guitar, and my new favorate, harmonica
28. What grade are you in: College Senior
29. What's your parent's names: Randy and Leah
30. How easy is it to make you laugh: Not since i became a Zen Master over the summer
31. What person makes you laugh the most: my dad
32: Do you ever dance when no one is looking: hell yes, isnt that what being alive is for?
33: When eating something are you more concerned with taste or Nutrition: depends on the mood im in.
34: Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat: hell no
35. What do you love most about the other Gender: their hair, and their understanding of the occasional need to have an inteligent conversation
36. What do you dislike most about the other sex: their attitudes towards each other most of the time and their self-depricating nature
37. What do you understand least about the other gender: see above

38. What holiday do you think still has managed to retain its original meaning: for me, christmas.
39. What movie(s) make you cry: Saving private ryan, Rudy, the rookie, its a wonderfull life.
40. What has made you laugh so hard you have cried: The time josh baulch poped the tire on katies wheelchair
41. If you could be cloned would you: Nope.
42. Are you a night owl: Yup.
43. Are you an early bird: turning into one
44. What time of day do you feel you’re best: mid-day
45. Do you get bored: not if i have my game boy with me
46. Do you sleep: try to get 8 hours a night
47. Do you like Christmas: dear god Yes.
48. Who is Santa: this next christmas: me. seriously my mom bought me a santa suit so i can play santa for my 2 and 3 year old cousins, its gonna be a blast.
49. What comes to mind when you think of water: home, i grew up half a mile away from it.
50. Do you like rain: Yes, it reminds me of home.
51. Do you think it matters if girls wear makeup: only if its an event like a dance or something, but on an every day basis, whatever
52. Do you like popcorn: Yes, especially with caramel.
53. Can you dance: according to the DJ at the Oak Rail, yes, especially when they are playing Thriller.
54. Do you go to church: Not really. im very religious but... well... lets just say that if god doesnt understand what its like to be a nascar and football fan, im screwed.
55. Do you like T.V.: Yar!
56. What's your room like: nice and spacious, cathederal ceeling, HUGE bed, movie posters, books, a good place to just chill i think
57. Do you believe in Ghosts: yes, but not the scary ones
58. Do you like school: Yes.
59. What's your best subject: creative writing
60. Do you wear a belt: daily
61. Can you sing: i used to always make the "i think so" comment on these, but now that Leavenworth actually paid me to sing, i think i have to just say yes.
62. Do you take showers or baths: showah!
63. Have you ever burned toast: do cows make milk?
64. Do you like Football: If you dont know the awnser to this question just stop reading this entire thing cause you dont know me at all.
65. Do you play any sports? Golf, used to play football, tennis, wrestle, and run track(discus).
66. Do you bite your nails: Eeew. No.
67. Do you like cooking: Yes, alot, especially for hot ladies.
68. Who has had the most influence on you: My parents.
69. Do you floss: Yes.
70. Have you ever stayed up ALL night: Yup.
71. Are you selfish: sometimes
72. Do you like Mickey Mouse: disny rocks
73. Have you ever dyed your hair: Yes, blonde a few times
74. Do you believe in monsters: naw
75. Is your room clean right now: lemme check (looks back at room) holy shit how did that happen! i just cleaned it a week ago! crap! um.... no.
76. Do you eat breakfast: an apple a day...
77. Are you a caring person: yeah
78. Are you afraid of the dark: naw, i think its fun
79. Do you have stuffed animals: just my eyore sittin on my bookshelf over my bed
80. Ever broke a bone: 2 ribs while wrestling junior year of high school and re broke them 11 times cause i didnt stop wrestling to let them heal properly
81. Are your friends insane: naw, just whacked
82. Have you ever mooned anyone: har, many many times
83. Have you ever played truth or dare: Yes
84. Are you afraid of clowns: no
85. Did you ever believe in the tooth fairy: Yes.
86. Did you ever believe in the Easter bunny: Yes.
87. What do you think makes a good friend: honesty, willingness to sacrifice for others, fierce loyalty
88. Do you like Barney: im all for any TV for kids that is educational
89. Can you rub your belly and pat your head at the same time: Yeah.
90. What's the first vacation you went on: denver when i was like 7 (my dad and my uncle took me to hooters and used me to flirt with the waitresses, how cool is that?)
91. Have you ever had surgery: when i was little i was in and out of the hospital with pretty bad ear problems
92. Do you keep a diary: nope, just this
93. Do you get good grades?: it varries, summer quarter i almost made honor roll, last quarter were my worst grades ever, this quarter i have an honest shot at a 4.0. i am so weird.
94. Do you go to bed early or late: about midnight on a pretty consistant basis, allthough once in bed i usually read for annother half an hour or so
95. Do you gossip: i honestly try not to
96. Have you ever played hard to get: hell no, i might as well walk around with a sign that says "easy" around my neck
97. How would you describe your life: wonderfull
98. Do you actually know your Social Security number: thats the dumbest question ever, what kind of retard doesnt know their SSN?
99. What do you want to be when you grow up: a really good teacher
100. Do you want kids and how many if so: YES 3-4
101. What would you name your kids: Ronnie, Warren, Emily
102. Do you want to get married: Yes.
103. What's your dream car: theres three, the one im gonna get as soon as i graduate: a 2003 Chevy S-10 midnight blue jacked up with larger wheeles/tires, a nice bedcover, every engine improvement known to man, and a custom designed interior ( i know someone who has an interior shop so i get the work done for free). The one i will buy in about 10 years: a 1981 corvette, midnight blue with everything stock except the sterio. The one i will buy when i am rich: a race used 2002 Dale Earnhardt Goodwrench Chevy Monte Carlo.

~*~ Favorites ~*~

104. Movie: Last Samurai, Titus, The 5th element, Saving private ryan, the entire lord of the rings trilogy.
105. TV show: sportscenter
106. Subject: directing
107. Day of the week: sunday
108. Place: Ruston Way in Tacoma
109. Place to eat: on my couch, watching either a nighttime nascar race or sunday night football game, with bratworsts or kielbasa cooking in my kitchen
110. Animal: cat
111. Music group: Harvey Danger
112. Solo singer: Frank Sinatra
113. R&B singer: Seal
114. Rap singer: Outkast
115. Pop singer: Michal Jackson (The mans a weirdo, but i love the music)
116. Country singer: Rascal Flatts
117. Punk singer: The Get Up Kids
118. Store: Borders / Just Sports
119. Possession: DVD collection, leather dale earnhardt jr jacket, game boy.
120. Cheese: Swiss
121. Sport: tie between Football and NASCAR
122. Team: tie between The Seattle Seahawks and Dale Earnhardt Inc racing, with the Seattle Mariners in close third
123. Magazine: Maxim
124. Season: love em all
125. Flower: white rose
126. Chocolate bar: violet crumble mmmm
127. Restaurant: the country kitchen in Tacoma
128. Gum: any mint
129. Snack: a really good apple cant be beat
130. Candy: anything with caramel, i am a fiend
131. Veggie: Mushroom
132. Ice cream: cookie dough
133. T.V. channel: ESPN
134. Juice: orange
135. Radio stations: 710 AM home of the mariners and seahawks, and 950 AM sports talk radio. otherwise i dont listen to the radio for music
136. Cereal: love them lucky charms
137. Yearly holiday: Christmas
138. Fruit: apples
139. Month: december
140. Christmas Carol: O' Holy Night
141. Scent: girl
142. Number: 3 and 57
143. Soda: classic coke

~*~Which do you prefer?~*~

144. Jeans or sweatpants? sweats
145. Sun or moon? Sun.
146. Gold or silver? Silver.
147. Math or Science? Science.
148. English or Social Studies? English.
149. Checkered or spotted? checkered, like the flag.
150. Fried or Baked? Baked.
151 Chicken or Pork? chicken
152. Tight or loose fitting clothes? Depends
153. Smooth or rough? Smooth.
154. Shiny or dull? shiny
155. Bright or dark? Bright.
156. Blue ink or black ink? Blue.
157. Barbie or Ken? what the...
158. Warm or cold? cold, i am a natural heat factory and am always too warm
159. Ham or cheese? Cheese.
160. Salt or Pepper? Pepper.
161. Sunny or cloudy? Sunny.
162. Raining or Snowing? Snowing.
163. Sweet or sour? Sweet.
164. Apple or pear? Apple.
165. Army or Navy? Navy
166. Pool or beach? beach
167. Shoes or Sandals? Sandals.
168. Short or long nails? Short.
169. T-shirt or Tank top? i would die without t shirts
170. Bike or walk? Walk
171. Bitchy and beautiful or nice and ugly? i always thought nice people were beautiful
172. MTV or Vh1? MTV
173. Spanish or French? Japanese
174. Bus or train? Train.
175. Plane or boat? boat.
176. Friend or Family? Family.
177. Baseball or Basketball? Baseball.
178. Pen or Pencil? Pen.
179. Paper or plastic? paper
180. Truck or car? truck
181. Dinner or lunch? Dinner.
182. Italy or France? Italy.
183. Romance or flirt? Both.
184. dog or Cat? Cat.
185. Kiss or Tongue? Kiss
186. Tall or short? either.
187. Mac or PC? PC.
188. Hug or kiss? Both.
189. football or basketball? FOOTBALL
190. Long hair or short? short
191. Ski or snowboard? Snowboard.
192. Song or Parody? Song.
193. Coke or Pepsi? coke.
194. Pizza or Cheeseburger? Pizza.
195. White Chocolate or Dark chocolate? White chocolate.
196. Abercrombie or American eagle? American Eagle.
197. McDonalds or Burger King? jack in the crack.
198. Inside or outside? Outside.
199. Shoes or no shoes? No shoes.

~*~Which one of your friends is....~*~

200. Funniest: Scott Ying
201. Strongest: Ryan Ying
202. Hottest: have to cast my vote to the entire residency of the c-20 brothel.
203. Most artistic: dan t, in the musical sence
204. Has the worst handwriting: zach
205. Has the best handwriting: bina i think
206. The smartest: albie
207. Most likely to become famous: Joe Cook who will be head of John Deere some day
208. Most outgoing: most of them, i love outgoing people
209. Sweetest: Mrs Erin Jensen, even though i havnt talked to her in like 2 years cause im a stupid dork
210. Most obsessed with music: Dan T
211. The most hyper: Justina
212. Most trusted: Scott Y, Ryan Y, Justina, Sarah, Erin, Meener, Bina, Joe C, Amy in denver.
213. Biggest Sports Fanatic: Other than myself? Only Mike A cones close.
214. Shyest: Joe C
215. Boldest: Justina
216. Prettiest: me!
217. Biggest blabber mouth: most of them depending on ammount of alcohol ingested
218. Most-Talented: all in their own ways
219. Most talkative: sarah
220. Most sensitive: eh?
221. Shortest: Bina, sorry hon
222. Tallest: Ryan Yingling
223. The one you can talk best to: Scott and Ryan Y
224. The one that can make you smile: All of them
225. The one that's always there for you: The Ying Brothers, Justina
226. Most perfect: i dont like perfect people, so boring...
227. Most Insecure: thats not a fair questions
228. Horniest: me
229. Shortest temper: oy, um, ,,,well... wow look a pilar!
230. Dirtyest mind: meener
240. Most unusual ideas: zach
241. Has best hair: sarah
242. Most boy crazy: Kirk Bowers, no question.
243. Loves to dance: Erin.
244. Loves scary movies: me
245. Biggest flirt: stacy
246. most likely to cry at movies: probably me, i dont think iv seen anyone else
247. Most likely to talk to strangers: justina
248. Most likely to get a tattoo: scott and ryan
249. Biggest party animal: the combonation of scott, ryan, zach, and myself.
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