Jan 29, 2006 12:37
I'm in a bad mood because they didn't interview Greggy...AGAIN...and they've literally interviewed everyone on the team except Lil Pat's Lil Bro, Janitor Boy, Iron Shoulder, Lil Pat, Davey, Demarc, and The Boy Nobody Wanted (none of whom play except Demarc)...so why won't they interview my Greggy? As a faithful viewer of "Talk Basketball with Duke's Coach K", I am concerned.
I am also concerned about the type of people one of my "good" friends hangs out with. People with a poor sense of humor, who are about the most immature people I've ever dealt with, who think the world revolves around guys who smoke and their precious cars (which are their parents). They look at school as a place to be the center of attention, they will step all over people in order to have guys look at THEM, and they are constantly loud and distracting. They are sophomores and they fit the "wise fool" description to a tee. They can barely see one foot in front of the other. They think everything will always come easily to them because they have money. They have sucked my friend into their web and make her think she's that important to them, but they'll dump her just as soon as they can..I've seen it happen so many times. They sicken me. And I hate seeing a girl who USED to be a lot of fun to be around turn into one of them. She's not only lost my respect, but she's lost a friend as well.
I'm also tired of little girls who pretend they ride horses. I'm tired of their "opinions" at lunch about horses. "Oh, no one can ride Pookie on the trail, he only lets ME ride him." No, dear, it doesn't work that way. Not to mention Pookie is barely able to walk, he's so lame. If you want to loudly and rudely tell everyone at the lunch table that you are a brilliant equestrian, please be able to canter a 20-meter circle correctly. Or at the very least do a walk to canter transition. Actually, I might listen to you if you could trot on the correct diagonal. Until then, keep your mouth shut and concentrate on becoming a worthwhile waste of space.
I'm a bitch, I know that, but people drive me insane. Albert and PalPal are in Monday, same race, Albert's got Rex though...go boys. And Duke won again...Coach cussed at Greggy and threw a chair, hehe.