Hello there,updates & more!

Jun 21, 2019 17:17

Since I left off years ago I had gotten married, and next month we will celebrate our 4th year anniversary! We are currently doing alot of home projects , more as a must than a choice due to several issues that were uncovered after we purchased the home that was inspected and given the approval. Yet it was an older home so we expected things to go out and need replacing,repair etc. Fun times. It reminded me of that movie with Shelly Long and Tom Hanks, "The Money Pit".

Update on the children, now young adults. Ivanna is 25 years old she is a pharmacy technician and working on her certification,she also started her own business for a brand for clothing & accessories to be sold online,she also models for plus size fashion, and Dimitri is 22 years old and he is in college , he works as an office professional, and is also a drag Queen performer. They both are doing very well. We continue to live here in Georgia, and have two dogs named Hootch and Maddie, we also have two cats named Alejandro and Cosmo, they are so sweet. I'm getting older I am now Diabetic and among other things trying to live healthier. I still love pizza and love food period! I cook on free time and we do events along with my best friend we started this pop up event service. It is not legit yet, but we like helping the community out and we charge pretty cheap for our fixin's. It is Filipino food & Puerto Rican, homestyle foods as well. I am looking forward to see who all is still in here!My sister Kimmy and I still laugh about our old days here in LJ world and we are still two crazy sisters that make fun of everything possible.
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