WARNING- Extremely pissed off entry

May 03, 2006 10:45

I have enough money in my bank to pick up and fucking move wherever I want.
N moved in with Z and myself "officially" in April. However, she's been living there for months for free. I never said anything about it. She said that she would give us $100 each for April rent and pay 1/3 of the utilities. Now she's claiming she never said that, so I called her out on it. She then called me this morning and began to scream "Fuck you, you're so fucking manipulative! Why would I say id give you $100 each? What I said was that rent would be $150 cheaper for both of you. Fuck you!" CLICK. She hung up.
While on the phone I told her that I thought she was seriously delusional. I kept just saying "Necky, come on, you cant be serious." I also said that if she really thinks she didnt say it, then oh well, she should pay us at least that anyways for the time shes been living with us for free. I called Zandi and left a vm saying that I know she knows me better than to think im bullshitting.
Ive fucking worked hard to become the person I am now and for someone to try to put me back a few years with their own bullshit pisses my off more than anything. I emailed Zandi and told her that if Neck is going to continue to lie about the money, im moving out tomorrow. Where will I go? Not so sure, hopefully Beeker's offer is still open. Im probably going to lose my $500 deposit, unless I go to the landlord and rat them out for Necky living there. Which ill probably end up doing.

Other things im pissed about....I had a meeting with the Foundation director of my school today to discuss possible funding for the documentary. The best part, she had pictures of G.W everywhere and even had a few letters from him. The minute I walked in I knew I wasnt getting anything, and well I was right. I swear the only thing I heard out of her mouth the entire time was, "No sorry, we cant do that."

I am going crazy really. Nothing seems to be working for me, im getting an ulcer. I have all these projects due and no time to do them.
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