Promises of randomness to come

Nov 17, 2011 02:51

Hey, looky here! I'm updating in my LJ! And some of it has to do with real life!

First, a friend of friends is facing really difficult times right now. What do you care? Well, he's having a Pay the Rent sale on a lot of his collectibles, some of which you may desire for your own collection. Help Eddie Perkins out by at least taking a look at his goodies. And pass on the link to anyone else you know who may be interested. And maybe you will become a fan of his artwork, if you poke around his site, so go look please!

Second, I met a Thai girl in pigg life who asked me about Seto. She googled him right up, and then got back to me with the information that he looks like a younger Ananda Everingham. Who I had never heard of. So, I googled him right up, and damn! if she isn't right! He even has moles under one of his eyes!

Of course, no one else has Seto's ducky lips, but it's still an amazing similarity, don't you think?

In other news, looks like I will finally have time to beat the translation into final shape this coming weekend. If it's not posted by Sunday night, start pestering me!

ananda everingham, real life, friends, seto koji

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