質問 21-24 

Oct 22, 2011 17:12

21. 友達と同じ人をすきになったらどうする?

委ねる=ゆだね る=entrust
告白=こくはく confession of love

22. 自分の子供には何て呼ばれたい?

呼ぶ=よぶ=to call

23. 恋に落ちるポイントは?

落ちる=おちる=fall (v.)

Please contribute your translation here! I'll apply it to the master post for this translation. My translation for these is there, too.

We're almost half-way through! Once I have a transcription of everything, I'll clean it all up and repost with what translations have been contributed.

araki hirofumi, japanese language, igarashi shunji, translations, D☆DATE, seto koji

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