Am I finished?

Sep 12, 2010 22:16

I have continued to work on my paragraph about Seto's palm reading, and thanks to none-neither's help, I finally got all the kanji recognized and written so I could have a chance of reading it.

Here is the Nihongo:


And here is my translation. There are a lot of spots I'm not very sure of, though I think I have the overall gist. ニツプル was a wild guess on my part. And if a negative statement ends with ね, it means a positive? Or is it confirming a negative? So confusing!

"He has the 'good luck charm' line, blessing all those close to him. Who wouldn't want such a line? I always look for it in my consultations. He has a similar career line, not bad at all. Two small spirals show his decisiveness at work. He is well-suited to be an entertainer, as shown in the remarkable talent line. Also, there is a talent to self-produce and surpass--surely traits of a talented person. His travel line suggests he may be perform overseas. At any rate, doing work he enjoys this year will make next year fruitful. Set aside love and private life, and focus on work. Hard work now will pay off over the next ten years."

Let me know what I have gotten wrong, oh so terribly wrong, so I can get it right and finish the rest of the page. Thank you!

japanese language, seto koji

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