Real life: trip recovery! Plus general fangirl yammering

Nov 07, 2015 10:48

I have been messaging with pharrezychica and pestering her to post a life update in her LJ, when it occured to me that I should post in mine!
a yeah, an lj cut would be nice )

d-boys, yuhiden, japan trip 2015, real life

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mystical_powers November 9 2015, 16:02:46 UTC
'I'm so tempted to tell you Ikeoka wasn't sexy at all' I can totally understand you thinking that! But you know my messed up mind! I thrive off those Battle Royale-esque types of things and he perfectly fits the 'so fucked up and crazy that it's attractive' trait that I (for some fucked up reason) like!! xD It also explains why I love MOZU so much (review coming tomorrow probs) cos it's just blood and crazy mofos everywhere! haha It's sexy to me okay! But not in RL, only in acting/fictional characters is it sexy xD

'But he was sexy, in an evilllllllllllllll sort of way' SEEEEE!!!!!!!

You should order it!!! I already ordered mine xD Like I cannot WAIT to watch it!!! I'm gunna make my friends all watch it too!!! haha

'upcoming fanclub changes' They're gunna make it possible to purchase Kaji/Endo/already left members advanced theater tickets and such, as an FC member soon. Currently, once a D-Boys has left, you're FC for them becomes invalid but they're going include them I think from next year. Unfortunately, it's still not for overseas as far as I'm concerned.

'Miyazaki crying is something I won't easily forget.' I agree! That DAMN expression is just in my mind so clearly and completely!!

"Everyone you loved is dead, and now you have to be in charge because there's no one left to be in charge." in true Japanese style xD


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