Gift: Matsumoto Shunta's blog, p.1

Feb 21, 2010 14:25

The first three sentences were straightforward. The last--ummmmmm. Help?


Matsumoto Shunta's blog (I'm not sure of the name. I think I have it right, though. This is Seto's character.)


I spent two days on the immunology reported I handed in.


I'm beat.


Tomorrow, I have an interview for a new part-time job.


なんか、いまいち しごとの ないようを ちはあく しきれていないんでけど、ペイはもんくなしなんで、とりあえずいってみるさことにする。

Something like, now いち job matter いないんでけど pay is perfect, for now going to see さことにする

Something like, now いち job [の] matter [を] area understanding[conjugation?:しきれて--is this conditional tense?] いないんでけど pay perfect/exact what, for now going to see さことにする

("I will see what the job entails, where it is, and exactly what's the pay."  Even though I don't understand the grammatical constructions, the noun and verb usage implies this meaning in the context. Is this right?)

(Yes, this last line is troublesome for me. What the heck is ichi in this context? The rest of it is mostly my bad grammar at odds with my understanding, but ichi eludes me. It can't mean "one" here, can it? That makes no sense.)

OK, I'm pretty happy with this one, but I still welcome instruction and correction. On to page 2!

d-boys, japanese language, gift

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