Worst. Thanksgiving. Ever.

Nov 22, 2012 16:57

Thanksgiving. I can sleep in, right? At last, some precious sleep that I so badly needed. But, nooooooooo. The smoke detector battery died, so the detector started beeping at 6 am, waking me up. And the worst part? I was in too much pain to move. Oh yay. Nothing like every single part of your body being inflamed and barely able to function.

Fortunately, my roomula hadn't left for work yet, so he was able to remove the offending machine and stop its infernal beeping. But I was still awake, hurting too much to be able to go back to sleep. Two hours later, I manage to fall asleep again, just for an hour, but that was enough to give me the strength to get my anti-inflammatory medicine. After that, I kept trying to do things, because I have a lot of stuff to do, and my daughter was coming over and everything. When she and her husband showed up at 11, I still hadn't dressed for the day, or fixed anything. Thank goodness she had made all the main dishes already, or they wouldn't have had anything to eat. Me? I hurt too much to eat.

She reminded me to also take painkiller, thank goodness. That's helped some too. Blessed narcotic. But I am still inflamed, and still hurt and still have a billion things to do. I wonder when this flare will end?

real life

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