Sep 24, 2006 17:22
trent called me at 11am, which woke me up. at first i thought i was just tipsy, but no... i think i was still drunk.
we had breakfast at lula, then took pictures and expolored the bloomington train tracks. we walked around and had smoothies in the park. we had good conversation. and we decided to take a vacation together in march.
any suggestions on where?
here are our criteria:
1. budget of $1200 each MAX (flight/housing, doesn't include daily expenses)
2. not necessarily a leisurely vacation, we want to experience culture and do things
these were some of our thoughts:
1. belize or mexico to explore mayan ruins
2. paris and stay at charley's (*i would have to ask him about this)... but the weather might be weird
totally different ends of the spectrum
but i am excited about taking this trip with him
we nixed costa rica due to the "honeymoon-esque" aspect.
anyway, saving begins with my paycheck next week,