The last week

Jun 01, 2007 11:56

Talking on msn/Teasing about raping each other/ Drinking at my house/ Too much Vodka/ Juice/ Picture frenzy/ Paparazzi attack/ Drama of the high school kids/ Movies at my house/ Teasing each other to no limit/ Missing the company/ Great days at work/ Busy days/ Not really watching the TV/ Lots of talking/ Talking before sleep/ Neither wanting to hang up/ Not wanting to leave each other/ Kiss's on the forehead/ Hand holding while walking/ Random walks to the park/ Trying to get a deaf dog to do tricks/ Sitting on the grass/ Chatting it up with your brother in the driveway/ Hoping not to get lost/ Hwy closed need new route/ Family Guy/ Trip to no man's Land (Pick up Steph lol)/ Supper with friends/ Meeting new people/ Another papparazzi attack/ Looking like shit yet being told you're beautiful/ Great convo's with friends/ Support from friends/ cutting out drama/ Making new desicions/ Extra training at work/ Forgetting about the gym yet still loosing weight/ D&B/ Poker game planned/ Seeing an old friend/ Ex wanting me to go see him/ Changing roomates/ Looking for apts/ Making plans/ Tired as fuck/ So excited/ Happy as can be/ Realising i'm myself again/ Excited to see my family/ Hoping Matt will come/ Late night convo's/ Waking up stupid early/ Not caring about the ex for once/ Feeling relieved/ Paying off old debts/ Looking into financial situation/ Deciding to change the budget/ Wanting to plan a trip for Next year/ Excited about life/ Seeing Eva/ Telling off idiots/ Giving advice to friends/ Trying to help an online friend/ Scared she'll be hurt like I was/ Trying to avoid issues/ Certain people not liking others/ Dodging bullets/ Planning trip to Wasaga/ Starting to get excited about my birthday/ Wondering what i should do/ Thinking I shouldn't do anything since it always turns out to be a bad day.

And most importantly loving all of you!  <3
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