I wanted to try out Paint Tool Sai, but for lack of a motive I thought "Hey, I've been having a lot of crazy dreams lately, let's pick one and illustrate it".
Okay as for the dream, I blame two things:
- Me buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming Lupin movie TV special (December 2nd baby! Though of course I have to wait until some friendly fansubber has taken pity on us foreign fans).
- A LOT of late-night reading of Mists of Avalon, which is obviously stuffing my subconscious with various Celtic imagery.
You know, drawing antlers turned out to be so much fun right now I feel like I never want to draw anything else.
And can I mention that off the top of my head I can recall two canonical instances of Jigen growing a tail, so hey. It's a weird franchise.
I'm definitely sold on using Sai though. You draw a line, and then you can do so much fun with it! It's been ages since I dared to draw anything directly on the computer, but Sai makes it fun! Okay so there are things I've yet to figure out (hooo boy did I wind up with a lot of levels at the end), but as an art software it's pretty damn neat!