Aug 20, 2011 22:00
We made it across the mountains in one piece. I am beyond exhausted. When I saw what state my neighbour had left our shared bathroom in I felt like crying, but I've made my peace with the fact that I'll just have to scrub it down at some point. (Not today.)
Linni, once again proving that she has far less trouble adapting to stressful situations than I give her credit for, handled the trip beautifully. For once she seemed to calm down when I petted her (I was honestly amazed she let me touch her at all, she usually claws my arms off when it's road trip time), and we actually had the carrier open for the majority of the trip (with the appropriate precautions in mind, of course) and not a single thing went wrong.
She seems quite content to be back in our old rooms as well - she just spent an hour rubbing against her favourite blanket and me while purring loudly.
Me, I'm starting to feel a little more like myself now that I've read a couple of newspapers and listened to some music. Tonight I'm definitely going to fall right back into my old habits; some buttered toast, a cup of tea, another episode of Lupin III (now how far along was I? Oh yes, I've only got two episodes left of Red Jacket. Aaa.)
And tomorrow I've got an entire day with Tiny and Morten. Hoping for some sunny weather.
raising a stray