No hear me out, this made perfect sense in my head. At some point.
So Captain America is pretty much clad in the Stars and Stripes, right? And Wonder Woman wears something of the same, thematically.
So I thought - stick with me here - why don't they try switching costumes?
And then, God help me, I picked up a pencil.
Yes I know the arm guards actually have a function so they're not part of the costume per se, but poor Steve was feeling naked enough as it was. And yes, that's supposed to be the golden lasso, not an overcooked noodle.
And man, fuck Cap's shield! I couldn't draw ovals if my life depended on it! Hopefully it'll keep your attention away from various anatomical failures, seeing as I didn't use any reference (well I stripped to my underwear and posed in front of the mirror a couple of times but that's more like a normal Monday evening, right?).
They shall be known as... WonderCap and American Woman!