Day 05 - A movie you hate
I know I devoted
an entire reaction post to how much this movie sucks, but it's seems to be one of those never-ending things. Words can't describe how this movie is an eternal spiral of suck.
No, movie. This is definitely not what the world needs.
It didn't offer anything of value to any kind of audience. The teenage demographic was expecting Sin City 2, which it wasn't; comic fans (like me) were upset that Frank Miller had completely reworked a celebrated and historically significant concept; and the rest of the general public, well, IT WAS AN INTENSELY BAD MOVIE. It was insulting, it was sexist, it looked like something a first-term graphic designer threw up on a copy of Photoshop.
(Interestingly, both of the other movies I considered for this spot were comic adaptions: Constantine and X-Men: Origins (X-Men 3 wasn't up for nomination on account of me and my sister having decided that it never existed). But both of them had a something, a scene, a joke, that redeemed a millimeter of their badness. The Spirit most definitely hadn't.)