Wow, quite a few varied posts on my flist this morning. I feel like doing a some kind of shout-out post...which is completely pointless, but I should be working so YAY for procrastination!
First of all, the OMGYAY award goes to
ladyjanelly for giving birth to a beautiful baby girl!
The Pornalicious award goes to (surprise surprise)
mehrin, for her awesome Merlin, Supernatural and Primeval fics that constant my flist. Lovin' it.
The HolyShitThatSucksBalls award goes to Em for the awful loss of her car :(
It was a draw for the WTFAreYouTalkin'Bout award. Both
sarasa_1984 and
weird_fin get this one,
weird_fin because she insists on using ambiguous acronyms and not telling me about the guest list she's preparing...grrr! And
sarasa_1984 because her entries are written in German... XD but her mood is usually happy so it all seems good there.
seventhpage gets the prestigious ArtyFarty award for her adorable J2 pic...see it
here The SmartyPants award was taken by
bookshop for her interesting and detailed
review of Terminator: Salavation...Now I wanna go see it!
unatral_kreatur was awarded the UnabashedGLEE award for being his usual excited self. Hope your jobs goes great!
And I want the HangInThere award to go to K A, who's feeling down at the moment. I hope you're doing alright...*hugs*
Note: I didn't use people's usernames for the bad news, I doubt they want everyone to know who they are...but I am thinking of you... :)