Jun 13, 2010 10:59

PUBLIC RANTING. and RANDOMNESS..like usual, because I'm wasting time because I don't feel like doing anything else and I don't feel focused.

I like hade_h's idea about random questions. Thus this shall be the start of it, after I rant.

People keep randomly commenting me in unrelated posts instead of messaging me so this place will be dedicated to the randomness and questions. I really don't care. However, anonymous isn't allowed, though it'd be quite easy to detect since I'll be tracking ip addresses and countries and counts mwah haha. I'm crazy, yesh? lol jk, goodness, but I am doing view count. :D On second thought, anonymous is allowed, since I'll be posting the questions up again, publicly >)

Um, let's see...yes my rant.
Kanata should not wear glasses. He's gorgeous without it, Why the glasses?!
Ok, I'm done.

Randomness are now welcome...
Ask me anything~~~
Oh my gosh! I haven't decided where to put the answers and questions...I'll decide later.
Ok then~~~

Comments are all screened.

See? I'm tracking you.


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