Aug 23, 2004 11:40
One thing you may not know about me: I fought, SINGLEHANDEDLY, and DEFEATED the largest plate of sauerkraut you can imagine last night, and I'm doing it again for lunch today. Hot german goodness. I tell you, it's like someone "hat mir einen riesigen glücklichen Spaß Zeit gegeben". Thanks to E for the goodness.
So I discovered the location of a monster nagging bug in my code today. The line read:
fy= ((fyp1-fym1)*dy23-(fyp2-fxm2)*dy12)
When it should have read:
fy= ((fyp1-fym1)*dy23-(fyp2-fym2)*dy12)
Computers blow donkey balls. Anyway, at least it fixed one problem, but it seems to have unearthed three more...