It's understandable that you feel such a way towards random "Hate" posts and such, don't let such a small thing like that get to you's the internet, no one is liked by everyone. Of course you also have to take into sort of bring people to call you emo simply because you listen to that particular genre of music whether you decide to call it that or not, anyone who isn't emo is probably going to show some anger towards that. Be yourself if you aren't already, your sort of ..falling into a generic mold that so many people tend to fall into. The whole, "Don't label me" labels are labels and they exist, why care what others think or label you as? I won't even begin to say what I have to say about your music and what so many others do, granted people can often say things about what I listen to; Black Metal, Grind, all of that. However, emo is just so openly hated and easy to can't blame people for doing it. Emo is generally just a modern "Mod" if your familiar with the "Mods" of the 80's, (Mods and the Rockers.). Express yourself in a new way, be who you really are and don't conform, at least in other genres it may look similar but surely it isn't conforming, emo is just a widespread thing that all of the "Teenyboppers" are into. I don't mean for this post to be hurtful, hateful, all of that as much as constructive, therefore I must express something that needs to become a global realization. Emo sucks.
ummm it was hertful at all belive it or not. Look doll face i like slikpknot and other bands that make teenybopers shit their pants. The only reason people call me emo is cause I where i jacket to cover large scars on my wrist and for arm. And I am ot so much into bands likt theacimy is...more like emocore or screamo. Any way I hate the whole lable scene because it dose put others before others and that pisses my the hell off. For "emos" metle heads teeny bopers nerds whatever. but thanks for being truthfull
Express yourself in a new way, be who you really are and don't conform, at least in other genres it may look similar but surely it isn't conforming, emo is just a widespread thing that all of the "Teenyboppers" are into.
I don't mean for this post to be hurtful, hateful, all of that as much as constructive, therefore I must express something that needs to become a global realization.
Emo sucks.
but thanks for being truthfull
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