
Dec 17, 2006 12:58

I'm starting to get frustrated with this whole Völkerball business. In all honesty, I would sell my grandma for a copy of the Limited Edition [in NTSC format, of course], but let's get real here. Just by not living in Europe I'm fucked in that aspect. So, I've settled for the Special Edition, since that's got everything except the book [which will probably be considerably lacking in Till pics anyways]. But, Amazon.com won't tell you which edition the DVD is! All it says is "Völkerball"...I guess you're supposed to assume the more expenisve copy is the Special Edition. They do have the L.E. though.....for $203!!!! I was willing to pay the od $60-$70 I figured it'd cost, but I will not pay a couple hundred for DVDs. Seriously, come on now! If anyone knows of a source which has the Special Edition in NTSC format, PLEASE for the love of all that is holy, tell me!

We need to set up a "Rammstein For Americans" foundation or something...'cause we get royally fucked all the time!

P.S. I hate this new format LJ has for posting entries.
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