General Shit
1. How and when did you become a Rammstein fan? A friend in Austrailia sent me mp3s of "Du Hast" and "Stripped" and I was addicted from the start. This was about 5 years ago.
2. Who's your favorite? Till, without a doubt. The man can make melt with his voice...and he's damn sexy too!
3. Ever seen 'em live? Unfortunatly no. They seem to avoid America like the plague, and I can't afford to go to Europe.
4. Do you have any of the members' old material? Yep! I have First Arsch songs (Till's old band).
5. If yes, do you listen to it regularly/like it? Yes. I can't understand the vocals (Till isn't singing), but the music's pretty good.
6. Which memeber annoys you the most? Paul...him and his stupid haircuts...
7. Which CD was the first one you bought? Sehnsucht
Favorite Shit
1. Song(s) - "Du Hast", "Rosenrot", "Ein Lied"
2. Video - "Stripped"
3. Haircut Till had - Mohawk!
4. Guitar solo - the one in "Weisses Fleisch"
5. Concert moment (if you've seen them live) - Haven't been to any... T.T
6. Stage outfit - The "gothic Lederhosen" they wore on the Reise Reise tour. Till's looked the best, naturally.
7. CD - Eh...I'd have to say Rosenrot
Random Shit
1. Which song would you love to see live? "Bück Dich", "Ich Will", and "Rosenrot".
2. How many CDs do you own? All but Rosenrot, as that wasn't released here. But I have the songs on the computer so...there.
3. Do you own any of the DVDs? Both of them.
4. Were you one of the many who was duped into wasting their money on that "Industrial Angels" DVD? Yes, I'm sorry to say.
5. Have you "Rammsteinified" anybody? A few's a good feeling.
6. What's a song you just cant stand? "Te Quiero Puta!" It just...doesn't fit, at all.
7. Does Schneider's new found emo-ness bug the hell out of you? Oh yes...don't get me started.
8. Do you hate listening to that damn black box recording at the beginning of "Reise Reise"? Oh hell yes! It's so gay!
9. Do you wanna sex Till into oblivion? Do you even have to ask? Of course I do!
10. Did you buy that tribute CD? Yes.
11. If yes, do you like any of the versions of the songs? I kinda like "Du Hast", but Floodland's version of "Seeman" is my favorite.
Today's my dad's birthday, which means the relatives are coming over, which means my somewhat over-bearing grandma will be it to early for a beer? :p