Surprise Spider

May 10, 2018 01:15

As I was photographic random plants on my way back home along my usual walking route last evening, my eyes fell on this chamomile plant growing thereon its own:

And then, as I looked closer (maybe it was good that I had put on my spare reading glasses to see better what I was photographing), I suddenly noticed this tiny crab spider on it. I think it would be perfectly camouflaged if it sat on the petals instead of the yellow centre. It was definitely not amused with my attempts to take closeup photos, but I still managed one in focus as best I could in the already fading evening light:

I then had the spider identified as Thomisus onustus in a Bulgarian entomology group on Facebook. When I searched for its common name, it amused me that it's called "pink crab spider" in English and "yellow crab spider" in Bulgarian - but of course each individual's colour more or less depends on the colour of the plant it sits on while waiting for its prey.

town fauna, spring, photo posts

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