What the storm did

Jul 31, 2017 00:27

This is what the storm of Wednesday night did to a tree in the new park - or maybe the winds of the next day. The park as such is still relatively new, but some of the trees in it are very old (there used to be barracks in there, and the whole area was fenced off).  Not to mention that Sophora trees are generally fragile, so I don’t think anybody plants new ones now, but the old ones are left to live the rest of their natural lifespan.

While I was taking the photos on Thursday evening, two of the park’s guards came up and noticed the fallen branch, so one of them told the other that he would call “them” to remove it on the next day. I don’t know if he did call “them” or somebody else spotted the opportunity to get a bit of free firewood, but the branch is indeed gone now.

On the other hand, that storm and the rain on the next day gave us some temporary relief from the heat and gave the ground and building and all a chance to cool down, so we can have cooler nights now. I'm very grateful for that.

It was such a big chunk that at first I thought that it was a whole tree...

... but then I saw where it had broken off.

Not hit by a lightning to be sure, just plain broken off.

Those poor flowers on the fallen branch.

botany, photo posts

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