Flynn the Flamingo

Oct 25, 2016 02:59

This is the result of a mystery knit-along that I took part in ("mystery" means that you don't know what exactly you are knitting until you get the last part of the designer's instructions).

Form this pattern: Flynn by Stana D. Sortor

The wings weren't in the original pattern, so I adjusted them from this pattern (it's free): Songbird by Sara Elizabeth Kellner

This flamingo is going to one of my Bulgarian chosen children, and I also got asked to knit a second one for the English boy (the last balls of yarn he sent me are just right for this project lol), so watch this space, but I don't know when I'll get around to the second flamingo because I have two charity fish and a Halloween "mystery" to knit, and don't even get me started on all those unfinished toys waiting to be sewn up. :P

knitting and crochet

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