Bug magnet daisies

Jun 06, 2016 01:08

These daisies...

They were bug magnets from the very beginning (photos 1-3 are from 27 May):

A little change in the bug population (1 June):

Those bug never seemed to do any harm to the daisies and maybe were just feeding on their nectar (4 June):

But something had nibbled on this one:

And then I suddenly noticed a spider that was very well camouflaged (you can see it well because these are closeups):

The spider moved a little when I started photographing it, but didn't go far:

And today the spider had already caught some pray (5 June):

He didn't walk away this time, just raised some of its legs to defend itself from me or my camera if need be:

I wonder if that unperturbed tiny bug in the last photo is the same one that was there yesterday; the spider didn't seem interested in it at all. Too small or bad to eat?

town fauna, summer, botany, spring

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