"A song that offers some peace in what is a very messed up world," said, the friend who send me the link to this video.
I don't know if it's odd to find this particular song comforting, , but we both did last night, in the middle of all the madness on Facebook after the terrorist atacks in France, with people quarelling unfriending each other over profile photos with the Frnech flag on them, which some Bulgarians viewed as extremely unpatriotic, in addition to the "
insert country here" argument cropping up in at least three languages.
Some of that maddness is still going on, and I said a few choice work to one of those "patriots" myself tonight, but that's not the point right now. I'll only say that I'm done with tolerating the bashing of Bulgarians who have done some very real charity or volunteer work by the Patriots of Empty Talk whose patriotism conists of never displaying foreign flags on their profile pictures.
What really matters here and now is that this song that helped me to finaly be able to cry last night as I mourned the innocent vicitms of that war in both France of Syria.
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