
Aug 29, 2013 03:33

It started to rain a little bit yesterday in the late afternoon, when I was outside and waiting for my friend Galya (I was a little early that time, for a change, because I had a little bit of shopping to do). So I called her on her cellphone (she was still at her bus stop, and the rain hadn't reached her part of town yet) and told her that I'd go to wait for her inside the Cafe on the Second Floor. I had barely managed to reach the cafe when the rain suddenly got real hard. I darted up the stairs, and managed not to get seriously wet. I went out on the balcony and found out that it was dry in the area that was well under the sunshade (I don't know what exactly it's made of, but it turned out very waterproof), so I sat at one of the dry tables to wait for her. In the meantime the tables near the railing were getting all wet, and there was water pouring fown from the edges of the sunshade. It was fascinating to watch.

Then Galya arrived all wet, and it's good that it didn't get very cold. It just got pleasantly cool after the unbearably hot afternoon. So we stayed there until the rain stopped.

We tried a little photo session of me on the balcony with Galya's camera, which is better than mine (I wanted at least one quality photo of me for a Bulgarian activist campaign). We didn't manage a single presentable photo, flash or no flash. I don't know if it's a matter of settings, or I need an even better camera when the light is bad.

T my surprise, I managed these photos with my own camera - they aren't very good, of course, even with all the editing, but I expected them to be much worse:

One of the tables that were exposed to the rain.

The nearby Central Market is under repair, so those stalls are moved temporarily to that area under the open sky. I merely wanted to capture the raindrops on the railing, but I couldn't entirely get rid of the view.

It rained again tonight. The weather is expected to change a lot in the next days, and the temperature is expected to slowly drop to a bearable level... I only hope it doesn't begin to feel too cold because we are so used to the heat. :)

summer, photo posts

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