Sofia Pride 2012 - a photo gallery, and some news

Jul 01, 2012 22:38

Just click on this link to see the photos on a Bulgarian news page: София прайд 2012 в уникални снимки

We had a peaceful Pride, and I'm safely back home now.  Thank you for your good wishes; I'll be properly back on LJ after I manage to get some rest.

Alas, there was an "accident" this year again, a few hours after Pride: one of the participants, a 25-year-old man, was attacked, beaten and kicked by three people in the street.  Some people driving got off their cars and started shouting at the attackers, who then left the scene. The victim didn't report the "accident" to the police because he didn't believe that the attackers could be found, but another Pride participant told me on Facebook that she has alerted Amnesty International. (news source in Bulgarian) He claims that he wasn't wearing anything Pride-related, and was probably targeted for generally looking "visibly gay," in that same Facebook conversation on Sofia Pride's Facebook event wall.

sofia pride, violence, homophobia

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