Rainy days

May 30, 2012 02:44

We only had a single day without any rain last week. I can't remember if we had any the previous week. We had almost a whole rain-free day today, and the streets were beginning to dry, when we were "treated" to an early-evening rainstorm.

Don't even start me on trying to dry laundry on the balcony! :P

I had very little space left on the memory card of my camera, so I couldn't experiment as much as I wanted with the photos of raindrops on plants, so... here is the best of what I managed.

23 May, at the bus stop:

28 May, on my way back home from the dentist, when the rain had finally stopped for awhile:

A totally soaked rose bush:

A fragment of the above photo:

Raindrops everywhere...

spring, photo posts

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