Meanwhile in Russia - "Sexual minorities seek protection from Themis"

Apr 04, 2012 02:07

So, Russian LGBT-rights activists are challenging in court the  infamous recently adopted local law of the city of St. Petersburg that prohibits "public activities aimed at propaganda of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexualism and transgenderism to minors".

Original Russian text and video: Секс-меньшинства ищут защиты у Фемиды

My own translation (please correct me if there is something wrong with my "legalese" or generally with the translation):

Sexual minorities seek protection from Themis

Representatives of the LGBT community have gone to court with the intention to repeal the St. Petersburg law against “propaganda of homosexuality”.
The sexual minorities brought a lawsuit against the St. Petersburg law prohibiting “propaganda of homosexuality”. Today [2 April], representatives of the non-governmental organization "Coming Out" filed in the Municipal Court a petition demanding the repeal of the new rules.

According to the activists, the law that was recently adopted does not comply with the federal legislation - namely, the Constitution and the Administrative Code. The representatives of the LGBT community claim that the initiative of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg violates the principle of equality between traditional and nontraditional families, and also fuels social discord. In addition, it is not clear from the current wording of the law what exactly should be considered “propaganda of homosexuality”.

According to NTV, activists have also filed such petitions today in the courts of Arkhangelsk and Kostroma, where similar laws were also adopted. In case of negative court decisions, they will appeal to the Supreme Court of Russia and the European Court of Human Rights.


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