If you are a journalist, and don't want to make the gays and their friends laugh out loud while reading your absolutely serious article, you'd better proofread for involuntary puns with far-from-subtle homoerotic (or downright pornographic?) connotations.
It's about the next development of the case of the notorious Article 14 (yes, the one prohibiting " the demonstration and expression of sexual or other orientation in public places" in Pazardzhik Municipality). For those of you who follow the saga, here is the story: District Prosecutor Tanya Madina insisted that Art. 14 should be repealed immediately. The Chairman of the Municipal Council, Mr Georgi Yordanov, replied that there were no grounds for an extraordinary session of the Municipal Council about it. The case will be tried in the Administrative Court of Pazardzhik and is scheduled for 21 September. The original article is
Now here is the joke: I can't translate it literally, but... Bulgarian has the same word for "article" and "member", and "member" is still more or less used as an euphemism for "penis". So, if you call Article 14 "the gaymember", you are asking for trouble. Especially with readers who already have the background of another prosecutor's "creative"
reflections on the subject of sexual orientation and the possible ways to demonstrate it. *laughs some more*