"Sexual or other orientation" - Part 7: The Muicipal Council tries to strike back again

May 17, 2010 18:31

Yes, the Municipal Council of Pazardzhik Municipality (represented by its Chairman Georgi Yordanov) is going to appeal against the ruling of the Commission against Discrimination to the Supreme Administrative Court. But that's not all!

Mr. Yordanov now says that if the Supreme Administrative Court doesn't cancel the order to repeal that notorious Article 14 prohibiting "the public demonstration of sexual or other orientation", the Municipal Council will initiate a local referendum to "solve the case".

"I don't think that we are violating the rights of the people with a different sexual orientation in any way," said Mr. Yordanov again. (If you understand Bulgarian, you can read the original news pages here and here. The translation/summary is mine).

Nobody has explained so far how exactly a local referendum can make a provision that doesn't comply with the national legislation acceptable. Such are the wonders of local self-government in Bulgaria. Why am I not really surprised? Maybe because I know my Balkan-macho-and-populist-in-one politicians? :P

pazardzhik case, homophobia

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