This is what I'm still gathering materials about. Nobody got seriously hurt, thanks to the police.
It's all a nation-wide scandal, and there has been too much raging homophobia in Internet comments to... even objective news pages since Saturday. God, there are too many people who think that the gays and lesbians aren't really human beings, so beating them to teach them their place is all right , and how dare the police officers arrest the attackers!
To do those commenters justice, most of them don't know any openly gay people, and i their ignorance thy perceive the gays and lesbians as something like fairytale monsters that have gone frighteningly real - protect the children!
And of course some of them are just frustrated with the economic crisis and looking for scapegoats. Not that it's an excuse.
I'l try to write a real report tomorrow, or the day after.
Update: and
inbhirnis told me the story
made it to towleroad too.