Jul 19, 2004 13:56
Fuck I waited to long to update and now I forgot alotta shit that happened.
O well I guess I will sum it up.
I think we just sat around the place all day with the fire.
They made this weird meat shit and I didn't eat it obviously.
I was up til 3 because I had to listen to fucking Mom and Orlando fight all night.
So yeah thats all I remember
I was the first up by like 2 hours.
I got up at 7 so I only had 4 hours of sleep going into a long ass day.
Junior and Ana got up at 8:30 and made coffee on the fire.
Mom and Orlando got up at 9:30 and drank coffee and showered and shit.
I didn't shower cuz we were going to the beach and I would be swimming all day.
So got to the beach around 12:30 and the tide was already going out.
As soon as we got there I could tell that this wasn't going to be half as fun as it used to be.
The beach is like all private now except for like this one lil section probably like 50 feet across.
Yeah so I was in the freezing cold water playing frisbee most of the time.
Then I went back to the house at like 5ish.
I killed about 5 fucking horseflys on the way back. I hate those things
Then I showered and watched TV for like 2 hrs.
Went back to the beach to find mother cuz I wanted to leave but she said not for awhile so I just went back to the house until ppl started to return.
So we finally left at like 10 and stopped for pizza on the way back.
The sign said it was open so we went in and the old lady said they were closed but I guess we convinced her to make us a pizza.
So then on the ride back to the camp place mom, Ana and me had a laughing attack that lasted quite awhile.
So then I ate the pizza and went to bed at 12:30.
Thats all I can remember except for when we were pouring lighter fluid on the fire to make it big Ana's foot caught on fire and Junior had to step on it and that probably hurt alot cuz hes a big guy lol
I was supposed to go with Dad to grammas right from the camp place but since mom decided to go right home I just went with her cuz I wanted to nap.
We had car trouble on the way back cuz the battery wasn't charging so we were flying down the highway cuz we had no jumper cables and lucky we didnt break down.
Well thats all I can remember.
Sometime this week I know that I'm going to Pedro's and the movies with Telmo so that should be something to do