According to the map we've only gone 4 inches....

Dec 04, 2009 00:28

Reading my past entries make me roll my eyes. I can't even properly spell right or be grammar perfect. Just goes to show you have to read over what you write before people write you off as incompetent.

I'm glad I only have ONE more week left of classes. FINALS next week. It was fun stimulating my brain for the past four months after six years. I've grown to like American History again when most of the time I've always gotten bored with it. World History is much more stimulating but learning about the South and how complex that part of the country really is makes me just want to travel there to see it for myself. My Southern friends tell me it's beautiful, that the people are so polite, the food is amazing... still, there are plenty of stereotypes in the south and race is still a big issue although it's now covered with pretty words of politics so as not to offend or having people accuse you as a racist. I just want to see how different it is because I know it still is different from what I am used to. One day... I'll be off to Mississippi or Alabama and be completely out of it. Even my prof. who is from the southern part of West Virginia is a little cynical about the goings on of the south. It's funny when I hear that from him especially hearing it with his southern drawl.

As for Vegas, this morning on my way to work, I found a billboard advertising for some new show called "NAKED BOYS SINGING" - I was like whaaattt??? Only Vegas can have a show like that and get away with it. Who would watch a show with a name like that? Seriously. At least call it something with some sort of innuendo but whatever. Too bad the boys weren't cute because if they were, at least there is some sort of redemption to be part of a show called "NAKED BOYS SINGING" - I mean, what next Vegas? And what are those boys going to put on their resume after their singing stint?

It's finally COOLDDD!! I'm so happy I finally get to wear my winter coat.
I hope it will NOT fade out within a week and having it all be sunny again because I just can't see myself celebrating Christmas with shorts on.

life, school, vegas

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