Title: 10 KiHae Drabbles
Pairing: KiHae
Warning: Gay, gay people and gay marriage.. (if it offends you, dont read)
Disaclimer: This is fanfiction, it isn't real, never will be, never was. I own no one.. bla bla bla!
A/N: The prompts are taken from
http://mission-insane.livejournal.com/ without really asking for permission/partisipating in the challange, when I needed something to get rid of an artist block. Maybe I should consider to do more of them though, because school is giving me itchy finger, but at the same time one h*ll of an artist block.
Written maybe one and a half year ago, but I felt like there needed to be some more KiHae here, its not nearly enough these days!
1. Rain
When Donghae looked out through their kitchen window this particular autumn morning, he saw the rain pouring down. It filled the streets and as cars drove past, they sent cascades of muddy water flying onto the sidewalks. He felt Kibum’s warmth envelope him when the younger man wrapped his strong arms around his waist from behind, and laid his chin against Donghae’s shoulder.
“Let’s go back to bed, it’s no use going out there today…”
The offer made Donghae smile, and with one last glance at the drenched city, he more than willingly followed his lover back into their bedroom.
2. Fog
They had been out all night - clubbing with friends - and now they were on their way home; slowly walking through the early morning. With the arrival of dawn a thick fog had surrounded them, so, when Kibum looked over at Donghae - whom walked on the opposite sidewalk for some unexplainable reason - his alcohol-clouded brain thought it looked like his boyfriend was shrouded in a wedding dress. The thought made him smile and he walked straight over to Donghae, where he fell to one knee in front of him, asking four words that would probably change everything and nothing between them.
3. Snow
Kibum’s parents lived out on the countryside, far away from everything Kibum loved. Donghae had bugged him for over a month about going there over Christmas, Kibum couldn’t for the life of his understand why but he had eventually given in. He hadn’t understood why, until late at Christmas Eve.
Donghae had dragged him out, into the darkness, tackled him to the ground and they had laughed like madmen together. They made snow-angels and looked up into the starlit sky - this was something the city never could offer them, and he finally understood why Donghae had wanted to come here.
4. Wind
Donghae didn’t really have any words for it - he just knew. Suddenly, one day when he was on his way home from work, he could feel it in the air, smell it from all around. He wouldn’t want to call it a wind - whatever blew past him, because it was so much softer, so much gentler. Maybe he would describe it as a warm breeze caressing his cheek, or a kiss from the dawning sun. Whatever it was made life taste fresh and sweet - everything at the same time.
Later he would tell Kibum that spring finally had arrived again.
5. Sun
If someone had asked Kibum twenty years ago whom he would spend the rest of his life with, he would have pointed to the extension of his five year old self, and said: “with him”.
Eight years ago, the answer to the question: ‘who do you love’? would have been answered by: “him” - finger still pointing to his other half.
Seven years ago, when this specific other half had asked him out on their first date, he hadn’t answered. He had just smiled a blinding smile, a smile so bright that it had made the sun above them feel ashamed.
6. Frost
Since it was illegal with same sex marriage in their country, they had only gathered up some of their closest friends and family to go on a ”vacation”-trip to the seaside.
When the fierce red colors of the morning light had caught in the frosty grass and thin sheets of ice lying over shallow pools of water around them, they were finally proclaimed husband and husband. For a moment it was forgotten that this wasn’t “for real”. But to everyone witnessing this, standing at the shoreline this cold morning, everything was as real as any church wedding ever could be.
7. Storm
Only once had one of Kibum’s and Donghae’s friends witnessed the destructive force in motion that a fight between those two meant. It was like a raging tropical storm hitting everything in its way with full strength.
To quote this unlucky fellow: “I tell you guys, I was happy to get out of there alive…” - pointing at a still fresh wound just underneath his eye, where a flying plate had hit him. “I can’t imagine how they keep that relationship going after something like that!” then he had fallen quiet and not really become himself again for over a month.
8. Dew
“What’re you thinking about?”
“Sure! I’m not as stupid as you seem to think, Kibum.”
“Who said anything about you being stupid?”
“I see it written all over you, Mr. Always-Stone-Face-And-Something-Stuck-Up-Your-Ass!”
“Shut up Donghae, and let me be sentimental on my own.”
“Alright. I was thinking about when we were out camping as children, and we forgot all our clothes outside of the tent - do you remember?”
“Hmm, yes, and they were all wet and cold from the morning dew when we woke up?”
“Yes, that time…”
“You forgot your clothes outside this time too…”
9. Wet
For once it had been Kibum whom had dragged Donghae out of their den - not the other way around. There had been a showing of ‘Singing in the Rain’ some weeks ago in the old theatre near their apartment. In hindsight he kind of regretted it: because now, whenever it rained, Donghae refused to walk under any umbrella and he always sang loudly as he danced down the streets. Even when he had been soaked to the bone, and lay sick for a week afterwards - he still refused listening to Kibum when he begged the other to stop this idiocy.
10. Warmth
Nine out of ten days this summer had been cold and rainy, not to mention the thunder storms that had wandered over the city too.
Then this day had come, like a blessing from the skies - it was warmer than anyone could ever have imagined it would be this year. Together with the rest of the city’s inhabitants - Kibum and Donghae came out of their hideouts to bask in the sun, if only for just a moment. They took a long walk through the park behind their apartment complex and even bought ice-cream. Why couldn’t summer always be like this?
A/N2: When I wrote these I saw them as a cronological story, but they don't need to be read as that. They make good separate storys too.