finally back in St. P! But not for long

Aug 11, 2007 11:02

31 July 2007
Woot, the time is passing!

I picked up the phone today at home and ended up in a 10 minute conversation with someone as to whether i'm a Jew or not. Don't believe me? Read on!
The lady wanted to talk with Zoya, who wasn't home.
"Wait, so who are you again?"
"This is Sarah"
"Sarah? That's a Jewish name"
"Yes, i know"
"Are you Jewish?"
"So what exactly *is* your nationality?"
"I'm an American"
"That's not a nationality; that's a citizenship. What's your nationality?"
"Well, my ancestors were from Italy, Ireland..."
"Still, that's strange that you've got a Jewish name"

Good lord almighty! Fine, i'm Jewish, would that make you happy? I really hate getting asked that question, especially by complete strangers... on one hand, it makes me laugh, on the other hand, it really frustrates me that people get so hung up on nationality. On the third (!) hand, i feel like a coward. I'm not Jewish, but I feel a great affinity for Jews, their traditions and religion, so when i have to make the choice between trying to explain that and going with the answer that is likely to make the fewest waves, I'm rather ashamed of myself.
Oh well, at least i'm used to it now thanks to Misha's grandpa whose first question was "What is she, a Jew or something?!" after hearing my name. And i'll never forget how he cornered me when we first met and asked, "So what are you, Jewish? You know you've got a Jewish name." Naturally, there was a long, awkward pause while i collected my thoughts. Finally, i mustered up the words in Russian to explain that both of my parents are Christian and that my ancestors are from everywhere but the land of milk and honey, lol. And furthermore, the name "Sarah" was the most popular name in my birth year.

Well, to continue the tale of horrible driving... the front bumber, in its entirety, of my family's car is not propped up in the entry way of our apartment. Yea... i'm just glad i wasn't there to experience how it came off!

3 August
Well, never thought i would survive to see August, but whatdya know!
We're leaving on Sunday for a week-long curise around northern Russia, and then I'm heading down to Moscow for a week. It should be quite an adventure, to say the least, staying with someone I've never met and all!

11 August 2007
Well, we just got back from the cruise this morning. Lots more to say about that, but it'll have to wait. I owe all of you a long, long post, and it is coming, I promise.
More than half of our group is heading home tonight; on the one hand, I'm sort of jealous, but on the other hand, it's going to be nice exploring Russia on my own outside of the classroom.
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