Title: Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon Rating: R A/N: Yeah, this isn't anything like what I normally write. You've been warned. Written for Porn Battle XIII
This is wonderful! And totally what I imagine them to be doing... all the time! I don't know what I'm going to do when the show comes back and things like this are not occurring. Keep up the excellent work because you are a fantastic writer!
Yeah I'm with you I am going to be totally wrecked in June when it comes back and they are not all up on each other all the time. I mean c'mon look at the glimps we got of how they are in the last 3 episodes of season 2 and I know come June we will be back to lingering glances and maybe the odd touch. LiveJournal Sam and Andy need to be canon.
Seriously great post, Probaly not what I should be reading at work. At least it's on my phone and my wifi is off. Ugh... Keep the posts coming cant wait for more lovely porn battle posts and more regular fic from you.
Hahaha! The best was reading McSwarek Porn (*cough period sex*)at the dealership while they did the oil change on my Jeep, the old snobby woman sitting across from me was totally judging me with her eyes even though she had no clue what I was reading or why I kept smiling and blushing at my phone.
Um, yeah. Margie published her first PB fic on Sunday and I wasn't home to read it... finally I gave in and read it during a Superbowl party. At least there was a lot of activity going on around me :)
oh my goodness... if they were doing stuff like this on the show i might have an actual heart attack. but yeah, i totally agree with you... if they're not doing it all the time, i'm going to be very disappointed.
Seriously great post, Probaly not what I should be reading at work. At least it's on my phone and my wifi is off. Ugh... Keep the posts coming cant wait for more lovely porn battle posts and more regular fic from you.
i don't know what i'm going to do if we come back and they're not all over each other.
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