Title: House of Cards Chapter: Three Summary: Andy joins Sam undercover. Begins mid-2.10 Rating: PG/PG-13 for now. Disclaimer: I do not own Rookie Blue. Obviously.
So I already read this and commented but...loulabelle13February 7 2012, 00:24:56 UTC
I thought your summary said "Andy joins Sam in the shower" and got all excited that you changed/added things. Not that it needs changing--it's kinda perfect--but I am greedy and want more.
Also, is it okay if I pimp this out? I just want to make sure as many people as possible are seeing this because it's sooooooo good.
Comments 2
Also, is it okay if I pimp this out? I just want to make sure as many people as possible are seeing this because it's sooooooo good.
Feel free to pimp away!
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